PicaSafe - protected photos
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Registering our products for free

We offer you several ways of getting free registrations for our products.
To receive a free registration, you can:

For all matters concerning free registration, contact our technical support team

Posting a link to our website

If you own a frequently visited website or a blog, we suggest that you post a link to our website www.picasafe.com or to any of our other websites on your web-page in exchange for the free-of-charge registration of our applications.

If you want to place our banner or our link on your website, send us a message containing the address of the site. Please provide the number of visitors you have and specify the page that the link is going to be placed on. We have no strict guidelines concerning the execution and design of links, although the text of links should be submitted to our approval.

Important: The registration key is issued for a one-year period provided that the link is present on your website during this entire period. The key validity period can be extended if the posted link continues to meet our conditions. We do not accept links to our web resources being posted on websites that contain prohibited or illegal materials, or things related to warez, crack, serial number keygens, program hacks, etc. We reserve a right to refuse free registration if, for any reasons, we consider the link objectionable.

Writing an article or a review

We are willing to give a free registration key to anyone who can write an adequate article or a program review, or even a short story describing his or her personal experience with the program and benefits they get using it. If you don't have a personal website or blog, don't worry - we can post the article on our websites. Although, posting testimonial texts on your site is welcome.

Writing an article or a review in exchange for a free registration key gives us a right to use text of this article or review at our discretion on any web resources.

Important: The registration key is issued for a one-year period. We do not accept links to our web resources being posted on websites that contain prohibited or illegal materials, or things related to warez, crack, serial number keygens, program hacks, etc. We reserve a right to refuse free registration if, for any reasons, we find this article or review improper.

Translating the program interface into another language

Our programs support translation of the interface into various languages.

If you are able to translate the program interface into a language that is not currently present in our language pack, we will provide you with a free registration key and embed your translation into the program. In order to perform the translation, contact us to receive everything you need for this task.

Important: The registration key is issued for a one-year period and its validity can be extended if you continue translating interface updates upon the release of new program versions. We reserve a right to refuse free registration if, for any reasons, we find the given translation improper.

If you fail to find desired information or if you have any questions and counter offers on cooperation, please contact our technical support.

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